- Since 1981
National Law Enforcement Training Center
NLETC Certification Levels
There are four levels of certifications which determine who may be trained and certified by the certificate holder. A level in one discipline does not necessarily or by default grant that level in all disciplines. Levels are not granted for life and must be maintained by recertification at 3-year increments.
All advanced certification levels (ACCT/National) must be maintained by attendance to the yearly National Conference at least once every 3 years or other arrangements with the Board of Directors. ACCT's and Nationals need to attend conferences to be up to date in any course amendments. Any intra-agency instructor certifications must be forwarded to NLETC within 30-days of course completion. All seminars outside of intra-agency certifications must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Levels of Certification
Each particular certification level has a set of minimum requirements and additionally has a set of levels or services for which they may provide. A key tool used for eligibility to progress is by keeping an accurate account of the training you conduct by using the NLETC Training Log. Reaching a certification level in one course does not necessarily raise all course levels to that standard. All Trainer Ranks are subject to Board Authority and a continuing requirement to maintain any rank is participation in National Conferences.
Trainer Certification is awarded upon successful completion of any 8-hour NLETC course however the 24-hour Core Essentials is highly recommended. Trainers must show proficiency in technique application as well as instructing the principles. Prior to certification, Trainers must successfully complete a practical test, which includes student teaching.
An NLETC Certified Trainer may teach the System(s) in which they are certified to their agency's officers. Includes apprentice academy instructors.
Advanced Trainer Certification is awarded upon the fourth successful completion of an NLETC course with a minimum of two years of training within the system. Prior to certification the Trainer must show they have immersed themselves in the principles of the System in which they are seeking the rank of Advanced Trainer. Trainers will be required to successfully complete a practical testing phase that will consist of the Trainer demonstrating his/her ability to diagnose and correct common mistakes made by students.
An NLETC Advanced Certified Trainer may teach the System(s) in which they are certified to their agency and outside agency officers as required by their agency.
Agency Certified Certification Trainer (ACCT) Certification may be considered for selected trainers with a minimum of 40 hours of instruction in any single 8-hour NLETC System. Additionally, trainers must demonstrate proficiency in the teaching principles required to assist fellow Trainers and Advanced Trainers in conducting training courses for their respective agencies. A recommendation from a National Trainer, assignment as a full-time defensive tactics or martial arts instructor, and approval/appointment from the NLETC Director of Training is required. Log books will be reviewed. An NLETC Agency Certified Certification Trainer may teach the System(s) in which they are certified to any agency's trainers for instructor trainer certification. Once an instructor is selected to become an ACCT Trainer, they may be chosen by any National Trainer to assist in course instruction that occurs within their respective region. ACCTs certify NLETC Trainers at the Trainer and Advanced levels.
Requires Completion of Motor Skills Instructor Development
ACCTs recertify NLETC Trainers at the Trainer, Advanced, and ACCT levels. ACCTs may also instruct Basic Users.
National Trainers are appointed by the Board of Directors. Some will serve as the Advisory Board for the National Law Enforcement Training Center. Any Instructor under consideration for selection of the rank of National Trainer must demonstrate a superior practical application in each NLETC course and a complete understanding of the principles of each system offered through the NLETC. Log books will be reviewed. These Trainers are responsible for marketing themselves and the ACCT Trainers in their respective regions through course offerings. National Trainers will be required to mentor all other instructors within the ranks of the NLETC and be actively involved in the continued importance and growth of the organization.
National Trainers certify and recertify NLETC Trainers at all levels of any particular course they are certified in at the rank of National. Nationals may also instruct Basic Users.
All Instructor Level Certifications are managed and approved solely by the NLETC Board of Directors.
Instructor Log Book - 2022
In an effort to define a clear path for Certification Levels, as well as for Court Testimony, instructors are encouraged to keep a log of training they conduct.