Knife Defense System

Knife Defense System
The updated NLETC edged weapons defense system is based on a variety of edged weapon martial arts systems and distilled down to simple and gross movements which can be effectively delivered within an in-service setting.
Developmental considerations include typical police uniform and equipment, limited space and close-quarter environment when distance, cover, and superior weaponry is not an available option.
This 8-hour instructor course incorporates movements and concepts present in the C/DT core essentials such as visual and kinesthetic cue training. Participants will be provided a variety of movement drills designed to inculcate the needed skill at the in-service officer level.
Equipment needed: Casual or athletic clothing, footwear.
Materials provided: Online Text - Training Knives will be loaned during the duration of the training.
8-Hour Instructors Course
Prerequisite: Core Essentials OR Approval of NLETC with comparable training.*​​
* Note: Core Essentials is recommended since it has motor-skills delivery features as well as fundamental 'core' techniques and other aspects that are within each NLETC course. The general concepts taught in Core Essentials allows us to reduce instructor certification times within other subsequent courses. Instructors wishing not take Core Essentials but take courses such as Handgun/Long Gun Retention and Disarming, will need a considered by Training Board Members on a case-by-case basis.