The Wix Spaces Applications is currently down. NLETC is working with the host provider for a solution. The Members Only Desktop and Mobile Views have been updated to aide in this transition and all videos are still available to members through this portal.
Highlighted Training
Upcoming Events
Mar 25, 2025
Close Quarters Control Tactics
Saint Louis, MISSOURI
ILEETA Conference
Mar 31-Apr4, 2025
Spring Conference
Lee's Summit, MISSOURI
This 5 day POST approved program is designed to give the Instructor realistic and easy to teach techniques that allow Officers to survive and overcome both ground based and standing attacks. It uses principles of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to teach the Instructor safe and effective tools to survive a ground encounter. Designed to allow Officers of all sizes to learn tactically sound leverage based techniques that result in Officers gaining control of the suspect with a much lower degree of injury.

3-Year Instructor Membership
What's different about NLETC's Instructor Courses?
One major difference is all Instructor's Courses come with a three-year all inclusive access to any course materials and videos of the techniques you learn during your instructor training. Typical course materials will have presentations such as PowerPoint, Manuals, and Videos of Techniques. As materials change, you still get access to these materials. NLETC acknowledges that courses contain a lot of material and can be overwhelming particularly if enrolled in a 5-6 day instructors course. To ensure quality control, instructors must have access to materials and it is our commitment to constantly update and provide online access for all members. There are no additional fees for this service. At any time during your three-year certification you are able to access all available course materials.
Registration and Questions: Email, Call or Text
info@nletc.com 816-287-2388
What is NLETC?
National Law Enforcement Training Center is a Non Profit Organization which has been delivering Defensive Tactics and Use of Force Training to Law Enforcement Personnel for 40 years. We were the developers of the Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint System. We have trained hundreds of Law Enforcement Agencies all over the USA, and as far away as Sweden. We are governed by a board of directors, and our goal is to provide safe, legally defensible, medically sound and effective training. We are not rooted in just one style of martial arts, but we draw from many disciplines.